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Aware Peterborough

A. All Women
W. Women -By God’s design
A. Alive -In Jesus Christ
R. Renewed –In the Holy Spirit
E. Enriched -For Service
AWARE is a retreat for women of all denominations and ages. It is a weekend of spiritual refreshment and challenge. It is a weekend that includes an excellent speaker, small group discussions, worshipful music, fun and fellowship, or the blissful solitude of sitting beside the lake and listening to the loons.

2025 AWARE Save the date.

Aware Prep Day: April 12, 2025 (location Cobourg)

Aware Dates: Friday May 2rd 4:00 p.m. – Sunday May 4th 2:00 p.m.

Registration opens January 15, 2025



30 years of shining his light

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12

Meet your 2025 speaker


Robbyn Bliss

Robynn and her husband served as missionaries for 13 years in North India. In 2007 they returned to North America completely burnt out. God used that to renovate their theology, to restore their family and marriage and ultimately to redirect them. Robynn, trained by Benedictine nuns in Atchison, Kansas, is a certified Spiritual Director. It’s her greatest joy to come alongside someone and see where God might be at work in their stories, what he might be inviting them into, where he might be bringing redemption, healing and hope.

Robynn ( and Lowell live in Port Colborne, Ontario on the northern shores of Lake Erie. Lowell directs Eden Vigil Institute at the William Carey International University. As part of that ministry he co-leads the CCOP program and Climate Intercessors. They have three adult children: Connor, Adelaide and Bronwynn. Robynn has had her hair cut in 9 different countries. She loves hot beverages and good conversation. Robynn lives and laughs loudly. She also cries easily and grieves deeply.

Your AWARE Committee

Behind the scene we work all year to bring you a weekend of faith, food, fun and relaxation.

Debbie Irwin

Debbie Irwin

I was born and raised in Port Hope and live in Camborne.Mom of 4 grown children and 5 grandchildren ! I am finally retiring after 40 years of sticking my hands in patients mouths ! 
I love being part of the planning committee and music team as it fills my spiritual fuel tank to serve those who serve others endlessly ! 
I worship thru song so the music is one thing that keeps me coming back year after year ! It is my privilege to chair our planning meetings ,coordinate the PowerPoints ,look after the registration and lead a workshop each year ! 
I can’t wait to see all of my AWARE sisters, meet some new friends and sing my heart out in 2024 ! 🔥

Nancy Perrault

I have been either Chair or Co-Chair for the past 11 years. I have been going for over 21 years. I started as small group co-ordinator. I recently moved to Prince of Peace parish in Wasaga Beach.

Bev Kelly

It’s been such a privilege to be part of this amazing Committee. I have been coming to Aware since 2011. I started by sitting, listening, sharing and filling my spiritual tank. Today I am secretary to the planning committee, on the music team and in charge of retail for the weekend. Looking forward to seeing everyone in person this year.

Jenn Bailey

Jennifer Bailey

Born and raised in Port Hope. Still work there, but have been living in Gores Landing for over 25 years. Love country living and beautiful Rice Lake.

I am a Mom of 2 amazing grown boys and 2 grandbabies who are the highlight of my life! Family is everything to me. 

I am your treasurer, which means that I can count 😉 You will also catch me helping out at the retail table, a long time passion of mine. 

I started attending Aware in 2004. It quickly became a Mother/daughter yearly event and then grew into my sister joining us as well, so Aware is very special to me ❤️ 

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s smiling faces at Elim in May!

oViolet White
Welcome Committee

Violet spends many hours contacting new registrants to make them feel welcome and answer any questions they may have, to make their experience of the weekend even better. She liaises with the Registrar and/ or Team Leader to get new registrants phone numbers.

Violet has been attending AWARE for over 15 years and has recently moved to Stayner and shares her time between the St. Hilda’s (Toronto) and All Saint’s (Collingwod).


Catherine Hawley
Prayer Team

Love living in Peterborough at The Cottage by the Sea , with bichon puppy Thimbleberry.
Also …. flute playing for weekend Masses and at other churches , reading , writing with fountain pens , my camera, wood fires , and having lots of company .
AWARE has been the highlight of over 25 years of my life.

love, catherine


Laurie Robertson
Co-Treasurer & Workshop Co-ordinator

Laurie is our Workshop coordinator and a member of the Music Team. In the world outside AWARE she is a member of the Diocesan Tech Volunteers group and a Licensed Lay Reader at St John the Evangelist, Port Hope. She is a speaker and presenter who takes a leadership role in her parish to develop and facilitate learning opportunities for parishioners. Her passion is to ‘spark people up’ in their faith so as to live out their baptismal promises of serving others and seeing Christ in all people. Laurie’s career in accounting software and finance is where she developed her gifts in technology and in finding ‘out of the box’ ways of using whatever is available to resolve atypical problems.

Carol Ann Moore Ede
Small Groups

Bio to come.

Donna McLean

I have been attending A.W.A.R.E. conferences in Guelph, Orillia, and Ely (Peterborough) for over 20 years. I love to sing alto with the Praise Team. I sometimes serve as a leader or prayer support for the small groups and recently I have helped on the Committee as a member-at-large. I also have a thing for themed parties so don’t be surprised if my decorations pop up throughout the weekend! These weekends are transformational and I am so happy we are going back to the in-person format. See you there!

Heather Gillies

Every year for the past 16 or so years I have had the privilege of acting as your M.C. during our weekend. My job is to try to get the weekend moving smoothly and on time, while providing general and hopefully helpful information from the microphone. I also enjoy bringing stories, or insights from the interactions of our participants, our natural environment, the words of our speaker and the songs in our hearts.

Sandy Philps

I’m known as the Banner Lady. My job is to keep track of the banners and to make sure they are returned each year either at Prep Day or brought to AWARE. Working with this group of women is so inspiring that I look forward to our gatherings with anticipation. We pray together, laugh together, eat together and share ideas that bond us as Christian women. I’m a Mother and a grandmother with an interest in painting, fishing, pets and the First Nations’ culture. Our AWARE weekend has come to be a strong focal point in my life where I have met women not only strong in their faith but who open their hearts to others with love as our Saviour has taught us .


Marnie Beckle
Music Team

I was invited to attend AWARE with the ladies from St. John’s Anglican Church, Ida in 2011 and have been coming to AWARE almost every year since then. My background is in music academia as an administrator and teacher and throughout my life I have been a soloist, chorister, cantor, leader of church choirs and music groups in churches, summer camps and for Christian retreats. I enjoy being a part of the AWARE Music Team and will now be looking after the music for the weekend including the Saturday afternoon Taize service. My prayer is that the music we sing together will deepen our relationship with one another and Jesus Christ.

Karen Smith
Welcome Committee

Karen Smith and her team spread goodwill to everyone throughout the weekend. If this is your first time at AWARE, Karen and her team will ensure that all your needs are met.

6lexa White-Hawley
Web and Social Media

I have been attending Aware for the past 9 years and have served on the committee for 5 years. I work on the website and social media pages.

Elim Lodge

Elim Lodge is a Christian facility located in a beautiful country setting that creates a comfortable cottage atmosphere. Meals are excellent and the staff delightful. The rustic accommodations are relaxing, and peaceful, just right for putting up your feet and chatting over a cup of tea in your cabin, room or by the lakeshore. Be prepared to meet new friends. Your fee covers the cost of this lovely facility, all conference activities, five meals, two night’s accommodation, brunch and two snacks. Books and gifts will be available for purchase throughout the weekend.